Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"If you love something let it go , if it comes back it's yours, if it doesnt it never was."

I've recently realized how true this quote rings, in both the realm of friendships and romances. I never understood the whole concept of "if you love something let it go" until this quote had elaborated on it.

We need to be able to grow as people and explore all our options before we can settle on on person because if we don't I think we would
a) wonder if there was anyone/anything better out there for us that we never explored
b) for the person that has the person come back to them, it reassures that they want to be there. How can we ever be assured of someones love if they have never known anything other than what we have to offer? Knowing someone chooses you over all others- I would think- would reduce jelousy.

It's hard to let go, and I don't really but sometimes it is just not fair to-above all else- yourself to hold someone to you because it feels like you are the only one making any effort and if someone means that much to you it's just torture to yourself.

So there you go cyber-space, I hope you've enjoyed my attempt at sorting out my own thoughts in your vast exspanse.

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